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BLOX Classifieds is the application where classified ads are created and managed within BLOX CMS. Classified ad assets includes ads, images, coupons, products, display ads, real estate and vehicle ads.

This document highlights the available Page Customizations within Design Blocks for classifieds pages. These options can be set on either the top-level "/classifieds" URL to affect the entire set of classified pages or on a per-URL basis for localized classifieds customizations.

The Classifieds Application Settings are settings and configurations that apply only to Classified assets. The Application Settings are located within the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Marketplace Classifieds workspace.

BLOX Classifieds uses a specific, hard-coded set of categories and subcategories. Learn how these categories can be modified.

BLOX Classifieds uses a specific, hard-coded set of categories and subcategories. These categories can be mapped to 3rd party systems that use a different set of categories. Mapping of categories is required to insure that ads are flowing in as a one-to-one relationship.

BLOX Classifieds supports a number of importers that can be configured to automatically pull (or feed) classifieds ads into your site.

The Market Classified Application Settings are used to define the market(s) within the site that will be used by BLOX Classifieds. 

BLOX will now allow you to use Ad-Owl to submit Business Directory Classified ads. You may want end-users to be able to place / edit / delete their Ad-Owl orders from the user-dashboard so that they're able to make changes or even remove ads that they've submitted.

Ad Types

Ad assets are the most-basic asset type within BLOX Classifieds. 

Coupon ads provide a way to provide discounts on certain products or services.

Product offers Sale Price, Product Information including SKU, ISBN numbers, Model, New/Used, etc. and lists a Buy button that links to that product on a business' shopping cart.

Real Estate ads are used for promoting homes, apartments and other dwellings.

If you have the vertical product BLOX Wheels, you can work with and your local dealership to import vehicle inventory from the Dealer Management Systems (DMS) that the dealership uses, into the BLOX CMS system.  

BLOX Classifieds uses a specific, hard-coded set of categories and subcategories. Learn how these categories can be modified.

The Market Classified Application Settings are used to define the market(s) within the site that will be used by BLOX Classifieds.