Working with an existing Form
An existing form can be modified by double-clicking the name of the form within the Forms panel. This will populate the form within the Layout panel where it can be modified.
How to create a new Form
To create a new form, within the Forms panel, select +New and then select New Form.
A New Form window will populate where you'll have the opportunity to specify a Form Title and URL. When selecting the URL within the Select URL panel, please note that only URLs that are using the Form URL skin will be available for selection.
How to Determine the URL Skin
To determine which URL skin is being used for a particular URL, navigate to Settings > URL Maps. Within the URL Maps window, expand the URL structure by clicking the + next to the name of the site map (typically "flexsystem"). The name of the URL skin appears after the name of the URL.
For example, the /site/forms URL is using the Editorial skin, while sections beneath /site/forms are using the Form URL skin.
Once the URL has been selected, select OK. You will then be presented with a blank workspace where the form properties can be configured and the form can be organized via Fieldsets.
How to Clone a Form
To clone a form, within the Forms panel, highlight the form that will be cloned, select +New and then select Clone Form. A new Name form window will populate where you'll have the opportunity to specify a name for the new form. The form will be available within the Forms panel once saved.
How to Export a Form
To export a Form, within the Forms panel, right-click on the form that needs exported and then select Export Form. The form will immediately be downloaded as a .zip.
How to Import a Form
To import a Form that has been exported from another instance of BLOX Forms, within the Forms panel, choose +New and then select Import Form. An Import form window will populate where you'll have the opportunity to upload a previously downloaded .zip file from your local machine.
How to Delete a Form
To delete a Form, within the Forms panel, right-click on the form that needs deleted and then select Delete Form. A warning will populate for confirmation, and once confirmed, the Form will be removed from BLOX indefinitely.