Example iAP Paywall showing a “Paywall headline” of ‘Get Unlimited Access’ and a “Paywall subhead” of ‘Stay in the loop with unlimited access to articles, videos, and the e-Edition. Plus unlock breaking news and real-time alerts for sports, weather, and more.”
Example iAP Paywall showing the “button text” of ‘news’, the space reserved for an optional image, and a sample “description”.
How to present offers to potential subscribers in Mobile NX
Note: the Minimum version required for this is version 1.8.0.
With the latest version of the Mobile NX app we are making changes to how paywall offers are set up. Previously the app took all offers set up in AppMan and presented them to a user. Now, within Access Control, an app manager can set offers per rule and offer different subscription lengths and prices to prospective subscribers. This new way will allow greater customization of the presentation of the offer itself.
In-app purchases services (Subscription) Please verify the in-app purchases you wish to show have been setup as services within Subscription.
Setup Instructions
Note: for those familiar with Access Control, setting up in-app purchases on the Mobile NX app is the same as creating an offer group on the web. If you wish to know how to customize the offers within the offer page jump to step 11.
1. Open the Access Control application (upper left menu under Community)
2. Click an app rule which will show a paywall to the user
3. On “Access offer group”, click “New”. If there is already an offer group set up click “Edit” to modify the current offer group for this rule.
Note: if the modifying offer group is used across all app rules AND you wish to offer different offers based on the rule, then a new offer group must be created and selected for that rule(s)
4. Enter the “Paywall headline”, and the “Paywall subhead” in the General Tab. These are utilized as labels on the paywall.
5. Click the “Offers” tab
6. Click “New”,
7. Select “Start with a Rate”
8. Select a service associated with an iAP
Note: if you select a service not associated with an iAP the paywall will not appear as expected
9. Click the “Select” button
Note: iAP offer prices and durations are managed by the App Stores. The “Rate” and “Limits” values entered will be ignored and overrode by the prices and durations set with Apple & Google.
10. Optionally enter “Description”, an “Image”, and/or “Button text”
Note: by default “Description”, “Image”, and “Button text” will come from Apple/Google
11. Click “Create” then repeat steps 6 - 10 to add additional offer rates
12. Click “Save and close” when all offers have been created
13. Click “Save”
14. Click “Close” on the rule
15. Repeat Steps 2 - 14 for each app rule where you wish to show offers