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Get Stacker Content

Preferred setup

  1. Navigate to the Editorial > Syndication application.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
  3. Expand the importer tab by clicking the plus sign.
  4. Right click on the TN Content Exchange Importer and select set as current search.
  5. In the search field to the left, expand the 'partners' category.
  6. Select the "stacker" checkbox.
  7. Select "New Importer" from the right hand Importer menu.
    1. Importer name: Stacker - TN Content Exchange
    2. Select the following settings:
      1. Overwrite existing assets
      2. Only overwrite content
      3. Override channel default source Content Exchange
    3. In the Keywords section, add "#tncen" and "#stacker" and select "Preserve originals"
    4. Save

Basic setup

  1. Navigate to the Editorial > Syndication application.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
  3. Expand the importer tab by clicking the plus sign.
  4. Right click on the TN Content Exchange Importer and select set as current search.
  5. In the search field to the left, expand the 'partners' category.
  6. Select the "stacker" checkbox.
  7. Right-click on the TN Content Exchange importer and select "Update from current search."

Note: Stacker content consists of images and collections, no article assets are imported as part of this process.

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