This overview describes the various areas of the Asset Interface within Content Management, including the Application Navigation, Create Shortcut button, Breadcrumb Navigation, Publish, Save, and View Options, Content Overview Panel, Content Details Panel, Article Toolkit Panel, Asset Information, and Article Statistics.
Certain features described within this documentation may require additional software, abilities, settings, or may only be accessible under specific conditions.
Open and edit an asset: Only users assigned a Group containing the ‘Ability: Editorial / Assets / Full access’ or the ‘Ability: Editorial / Assets / Edit assets’ will be able to open and edit an asset.
Application Navigation
The Application Navigation allows navigation within the selected application. For example, while in the Content Management application, Application Navigation allows navigation between Editorial Search, Editorial Dashboard, Feeds, etc.
In addition, Application Navigation offers options to return to the Home Dashboard, access help documentation, and collapse or expand the Application Navigation.
Create Shortcut
The Create Shortcut option lets users quickly create any number of items such as an asset or a user account. It recommends options based on the current application and allows users to pin frequently used items.
To create a new asset using the Create Shortcut Button, follow the direction below.
Click the Create Shortcut Button
Select Asset Type
📝 You should Save any open asset before creating a new asset.
Breadcrumb Navigation
The Breadcrumb Navigation section is prominently displayed at the top of the Article. It includes a breadcrumb trail that starts with the “Dashboard” and includes a link labeled “Back to search results”. The final breadcrumb item is reserved for the asset title/headline, indicating the specific asset currently being viewed.
Publish, Save, and View Options
The Publish / Update options allow editors to update the Publication date and the ‘Do not publish’ flag in addition to a couple other options. The Save button provides editors the ability to perform hard saves on the open asset. The View Options allow the editor to preview the asset or view it’s current live view. For additional information, check out Asset Publish, Save, and View Options.
Users with the appropriate Group Permissions will see the green ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button and the blue ‘Save’ and ‘View’ buttons. If a user lacks the necessary group permissions, the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ and ‘Save’ buttons are disabled, appearing grayed out. The ‘View’ button remains accessible, allowing users to view the article without making changes.
When viewing a new article or any article that is not published (“Published: No” in the Asset Information under the open asset), a ‘Publish’ button will appear next to the ‘Save’ button. When viewing any article that is published (“Published: Yes”), an ‘Update’ button will appear next to the ‘Save’ button.
Content Overview Panel
The Content Overview Panel serves as the central hub for managing both content elements and metadata. It is divided into two main tabs, a Content Tab, a Metadata Tab, and a Stats Tab each providing specific tools and options for editors. When an item is clicked within the Content Overview Panel, the selected item will automatically scroll into view within the Content Details Panel allowing the editor to quickly view or update its value. The Content Tab will be selected by default when an asset is opened.
Content Details Panel
The Content Details Panel is where asset specific content and metadata fields are edited.
For articles, the Content Details Panel features the Article Content Panel, where the main body copy is composed. It contains a Rich Text Editor and has multiple features and options to assist the creation of the article content including Collaboration, a Formatting Palette, an AI Assist, an Insert Action Button, and a Floating Action Menu.
Article Toolkit Panel
The Article Toolkit Panel is designed to enhance the content creation and management process. It offers quick access to several key features, allowing editors to efficiently find, insert inline, and manage related media via Relationships and Asset Library Tools respectively, and diagnose article content quality via the Assistant.
📝 The Article Toolkit Panel is only available when viewing an article type asset.
Asset Information
Asset Information is displayed at the bottom left. This is information related to the selected asset.
Status: Displays the status of the asset such as “Draft”, “Live” (Published), or “Awaiting Processing”, which typically refers to Video files that must be processed by the system before they can be published.
Published: “Yes” or “No” indication of whether the asset has been Published.
Access: Placeholder for asset level permissions. Always displays 'Default'.
Expires: If ‘Archive Date’ is set in the ‘Dates’ Section of the Metadata Tab within the Content Details Panel, it will be displayed here. If ‘Archive Date’ is not set, “Never” will be displayed.
Workflow: If a ‘Workflow’ is set in the ‘Properties’ Section of the Metadata Tab within the Content Details Panel, the Process name in which the article currently resides, will be displayed here.
📝 If ‘Workflow’ is not set in the ‘Properties’ Section of the Metadata Tab within the Content Details Panel, this information will not be displayed.
Article Statistics
Article Statistics are displayed at the bottom right. This is information related to the selected article asset. Article Statistics will not display for non-article assets.
📝 Article Statistics are specific to article assets.
Title: Displays the number of characters in the article's title.
Words: Shows the total word count of the article, which is useful for meeting word count requirements or assessing the article's depth.
Images: Indicates the number of images included in the article, providing a quick reference for visual content.
Rich Media: Displays the count of rich media elements, such as videos, audio clips, or interactive content, included in the article.