Premium Credit Card Management or "Wallet" is a comprehensive suite of retention tools designed exclusively for BLOX Audience+ and BLOX Pay. This upgrade provides our partners with a seamless payment experience, unlocking a world of possibilities and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Wallet · Transaction Fees · Retention
29% or more of subscriber churn is involuntary, due to credit card failure. With Premium Credit Card Management and BLOX Pay, you can grow subscribers significantly with retention improvements PLUS our frictionless purchase.
NOTE: This is part of a new suite of Premium Credit Card Management features for BLOX Audience+, including the use of other payment gateways, automated credit card updater, the secure wallet, and more. Additional fees apply. Please contact your sales rep for pricing information.
Premium Credit Card Management features:
Automatic credit card updating: Reduce involuntary churn by collecting current expiration dates and card numbers twice per month.
Self-serve update payment: Easier renewals and saved cards for faster re-subscribing in a couple of clicks, right from the paywall.
Import options: Import subscriptions and credit card tokens from third party vendors (additional fees apply).
New gateway choices: Switch seamlessly between, Stripe, Moneris, Payway, Bambora and more.
New payment methods *coming soon*: PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay.