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  1. In Access Control, create a new Offer Group for your button or use an existing one.
  2. Go to the Design Editor and add a new static content block to your URL. Look for Utility: Subscription offers modal open button (flex).
    1. Place your block on the page and save.
    2. Open your button block, copy the Group ID from the Offer, and paste it into the block's Offer ID field. Save.
    3. Optional: If desired, you can specify a different offer group to show for users who are logged in (registered) but do not have a subscription.
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3. The button will dynamically show the Rate and Button text from the Offer you specify, or you can customize what it says using the Button text field.

4. Take advantage of the customization tools in the Button section of the block. You can specify a background color, text color and size.